Angela McGeHee, GIA AJP™
I am Angela McGeHee. I am a Christian, a loving mother, grandmother and pet owner. I’ve always loved the timelessness of quality jewelry as well as the beauty of gemstones. My passion began when I was a student at the University of California Davis. I was passing time waiting for a class to start, and I walked around the geology area viewing their rock specimens. I was fascinated by the beauty of the rocks – intrigued by how they were formed. My love for jewelry and gemstones evolved from there.
Fast forward to 2005, I discovered a deep-seated desire to start a jewelry business. I wrote the vision down and began to plan. One thing lacked, however: the knowledge to select quality jewelry with beautiful gemstones. I wanted to offer customers the best. In order to do that, I needed to obtain an education from the Gemological Institute of American (GIA). In 2008, I started my Accredited Jewelry Professional course knowing that the education would help me deliver the best products and services to my jewelry clients. I also knew the education would be a platform for me when pursuing my Graduate Gemologist degree. I received my AJP diploma in 2008. The AJP coursework included obtaining these certificates:
- Diamond Essentials
- Colored Stones Essentials
- Jewelry Essentials.
In 2010, I further completed Pearls training course work and received my successful completion certificate.
Preparing for the Dream
Today, EVERNIQ is the materialized dream of many years back. This dream was birthed from various iterations of what I believed the business could be and prayerful consideration of what it should become. Timing is everything. Though the vision began years ago, the timing was not right. My desire was to not merely start a business, but grow a business that operates as a ministry, showing Christ through our business practices by investing in others. I’ve worked in philanthropy for 12 years. I’ve seen the impact philanthropy can have in changing lives. This is the mission of EVERNIQ.
Similar to the natural development of precious gemstones, the
years have prepared me to launch EVERNIQ.
Over the years, I’ve persistently pursued what I believe I was and am called to do. EVERNIQ is no different. Through prayer, research, collaboration and education my business will offer customers not just timeless unique jewelry, but the best comprehensive buyers’ experience. I believe jewelry is an investment to leave as a legacy for others – children, family, loved ones, and friends. However, EVERNIQ offers not just jewelry as a legacy investment, but a blessing for amazing causes that revolutionize our communities. Together, we can be the catalyst of change that is needed in our communities and world. Partner with EVERNIQ to be that change.